Tuesday, September 21, 2010

1st General meeting of the season

Great turnout, even some new faces, George Eisenmann joined us for the first time and is going to join us for the 2011 season. Mills Parts center was the meal sponsor. Sales representatives Mark and Larry were there, and wanted to remind all shops to use the GM parts conquest program. Its easy to use and theres $$ on the table for those that want to participate. Sometime in November of this year, Mills will start carrying Saturn parts and will of course offer the same customer service and prompt delivery we receive will all lines that they carry. Chad from Johnsons Supply wants to remind all shops of the upcoming Painter Certification class October 28, 2010 at Lake Superior College. This is a federally mandated certification that anyone that sprays paint/primer must have. Call Chad for more information 218-722-1717. Johnsons Supply is also bringing Hank Nunn to Duluth on Oct. 21st for a seminar on "Negotiation Skills" and "Building Customer Loyalty" Chad has more info on that too. Lights on for Safety is looking for volunteers, Saturday Sept. 25 9-1:00. There is an upcoming I CAR class to be held at Two Harbors Auto Body Oct. 16, 8-4, check the I CAR website for further information. Looking forward to ideas from members for upcoming topics they would like to see addressed.